Stuck in a Holding Pattern

This past week has been a rough one; I got hit with a double whammy–sinus infection and an ear infection. I’ve managed to make it through the week without missing a meeting or training–that’s the beauty and curse of working from home. I could stay at home and stay in my pajamas (the bottoms any…

Lessons on parenting from my Bible study and Road House

This past week I decided to start a Bible study plan on my Bible app ( I use the YouVersion Bible app). I’ve never used one of these plans, but I’ve been going strong all month with a devotional which included reading scripture one of days. After I read the recommended scripture from the app,…

A False Start…and New Beginnings

Well hell. Remember that time I posted about FINALLY starting a blog ? Yep. I posted THREE post and then…I don’t know… LIFE happened. All that balance I posted about in one of my last posts went to hell in a hand basket not even ONE month after starting this blog. You see, our family…

Balance…What’s that???

Balance. Everyone is striving to attain it, but what does it actually mean? How do you know you’ve finally reached it? And how do you maintain balance? When thinking about what I would blog about and in talking it over with some of my closest friends, they all told me I should blog about balance. Wait……